Supervisor Workshops – North Thames
North Thames London DClinPsy Supervisor workshops.
Updated 15/01/2025
The three North Thames Doctoral Programmes in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy)
University College London (UCL), Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL) and University of East London (UEL), run a programme of workshops for supervisors of Trainee Clinical Psychologists in the region.
Please note these workshops are for supervisors of North Thames DClinPsy trainees only. Priority is given to supervisors who are either currently supervising, or expecting to supervise within the next placement intake.
These events are free and are largely live online workshops.
Please click on the Qualtrics registration link to register for the workshop – your completion of the form will confirm your place and you will be contacted closer to the time with the online teams/zoom link and handouts for the workshop.
Please note: if you click on the Qualtrics link below to register for a workshop and you are presented with a blank screen, this means the registration is closed as it has reached its maximum capacity. In this instance, please email the course hosting the workshop to be added to the waiting list.
Live workshops 2024/25:
Supervision Part 1: Live Workshop for New Supervisors (online)
This workshop is for psychologists and therapists who are relatively new to supervising or are about to supervise Trainee Clinical Psychologists in the North Thames region for the first time.
The workshop involves two parts – the first is a range of activities and videos that attendees are required to complete in their own time ahead of the second part of the workshop, with approximately one day needed to do this. The second part of the workshop involves a live one day workshop which is largely group activity based.
The below links give the dates of the live part of the workshop. Supervisors will be sent materials to complete ahead of the live workshop about one week prior to the live workshop date. We therefore suggest that supervisors set aside one day ahead in the week prior to the live workshop date to complete these pre-workshop activities.
Workshop content:
- Information about the DClinPsy programmes in North Thames.
- Models of learning and training, and the structure of supervisor sessions.
- Monitoring, assessing and giving feedback to trainees; BPS and DClinPsy programme supervision requirements.
Tuesday 10th December (online) + 1 day independent learning
09.30am – 4.30pm
Host: RHUL – Tel: 01784 414388 | E-mail:
Thursday 20th March (online) + 1 day independent learning
09.30am – 4.30pm
Host: UEL – Tel: 020 8223 4174 | E-mail:
Wednesday 4th June (online) + 1 day independent learning
09.30am – 4.30pm
Host: UCL – Tel: 020 7679 1897 | Email:
Thursday 11th September (online) + 1 day independent learning
09.30am – 4.30pm
Host: UEL – Tel: 020 8223 4174 | E-mail:
Supervision Part 2 – Advanced Supervisor Workshop (online)
This workshop is for psychologists and therapists who already have some experience of supervising DClinPsy trainees in the North Thames region.
We suggest that people enrol on this workshop after a minimum of 12 months after attending the two-day introductory workshop (Part 1). Priority will be given to those currently supervising DClinPsy trainees.
Workshop content:
Revisiting themes from Part 1 in the context of supervisors’ experiences with trainees. The content includes:
- Dilemmas in the supervisory relationship.
- Managing power in the supervisory relationship.
- The supervisor’s role as both assessor andfacilitator of learning.
- Evaluation of trainees’ clinical competence.
- Working with trainees who may be struggling on placement.
Thursday 24th October 2024 – CANCELLED
Host: RHUL – Tel: 01784 414388 | E-mail:
Wednesday 26th February 2025 (in person) – Now Full (Please complete the below link to go on the waiting list)
10.00am – 4.30pm
Host: UCL – Tel: 020 7679 1897 | Email:
Addressing Whiteness and Anti-Racism Praxis in Clinical Psychology supervision
2 day workshops and Reflective Spaces (online)
We are offering a unique opportunity to supervisors to attend a two-day workshop developed and facilitated by Nimisha Patel (Professor of Clinical Psychology, UEL), focussed on addressing Whiteness and anti-racism praxis clinical psychology supervision. This workshop will aim to build skills in:
- Understanding Whiteness and racism
- Understanding how our everyday practices and services can perpetuate often subtle and indirect discrimination
- Noticing and addressing racialised processes in the supervisory relationship, in supervision and in services
- Engaging in anti-racism praxis and supporting trainees to do the same
- This 2-day workshop is open to supervisors who have not previously attended the 2023-24 workshops.
2 day workshop Thursday 16th and Friday 17th January 2025 (maximum attendees 35)
10.00 am to 4.00 pm
2 day workshop Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th September 2025 (maximum attendees 35)
9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Attendance on both days of the workshop is required.
- Registration Link:
Host: UEL – Tel: 020 8223 4174 | E-mail:
Please only register if you are able to attend. The numbers are capped at 35, therefore if the above registration link says it is ‘closed’ this is because the maximum numbers have been reached. Please contact Emine Korkmen on to be put on to the waiting list.
Registration links for Reflective spaces
Drop-in reflective spaces for those who have attended either 2023, 2024, 2025 Addressing Whiteness & Antiracism praxis in clinical psychology workshops.
Following attending either the 2023, 2024, or 2025 workshops Nimisha is offering drop-in reflective spaces sessions. Supervisors are invited in to attend as many as they would like to continue to reflect on the issues discussed.
Wednesday 5th February 2025 – 2 – 4pm
Monday 7th April 2025 – 2 – 4pm
Thursday 5th June 2025 – 2 – 4pm
Wednesday 17th September 2025 – 2 – 4pm
Monday 10th November 2025 – 2 – 4pm
Host: UEL – Tel: 020 8223 4174 | E-mail:
Neuropsychology Supervisors Workshop (in person)
This workshop is for clinical psychologists who supervise or want to supervise neuropsychological assessments. The workshop aims to enhance your supervisory skills by focusing on key aspects of neuropsychological assessments and practice. The focus of this session will be on neuropsychological practice with adults. We hope to be able to offer a workshop for supervisors of paediatric neuropsychology practice soon/in due course.
We will cover:
- course requirements related to neuropsychological assessments.
- how to effectively “scaffold” cases assigned to trainees by identifying different ‘difficulties’ of cases to facilitate development of neuro skills in a structured and supportive manner pitched at the right level for the trainee
- different models of neuropsychological formulation
- group discussion, on challenges and issues that arise on placement
The workshop will be run by Dr Vaughan Bell (UCL) and Dr Anna Crabtree (Royal Holloway) and will be held in-person.
Thursday 8th May 2025 (in person)
Location: UCL, Room 115, 1-19 Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7HB (Just off Tottenham Court Road)
Host: RHUL – Tel: 01784 414388 | E-mail:
Developing Trainees’ Leadership Competencies (online)
The aim of this workshop is to support supervisors in the development of DClinPsy trainees’ leadership competencies.
Workshop content:
- Understanding the context of leadership in Clinical Psychology, including in Clinical Psychology training
- Reviewing professional guidance and competency frameworks in relation to leadership competences for trainees
- Generating practical ideas for appropriate trainee activities on placement to support the development of leadership competencies.
There will be some pre-reading required prior to the session, plus some optional reading on leadership theories and models available for supervisors to complete prior to the session if they wish.
Thursday 13th March 2025 (online)
Host: RHUL – Tel: 01784 414388 | E-mail:
CBT/BABCP Supervisor Workshop
This workshop is for supervisors who work predominantly within a CBT framework, and who will be supervising DClinPsy trainees within the North Thames region. We welcome supervisors from all service settings, including Adult Mental Health, CAMHS, Older Adults, Learning Disabilities, Forensics, Clinical Health Psychology, etc.
The workshop content includes:
- Exploring aspects of CBT supervision including the supervisory relationship, CBT placement supervision contracts, structuring CBT supervision and the CBT competences for DClinPsy trainees
- Information about the nature and range of clinical work that trainees are expected to be involved with
- An overview of the BABCP pathway requirements for DClinPsy trainees: What do I need to know and do as a supervisor if my trainee is on the BABCP pathway?
- How to assess trainees’ clinical practice, using two formal rating scales (the UCL CBTRating Scale and the CTS-R)
- Space for discussion of your own questions and dilemmas
This workshop will be delivered in 3 parts, including a pre-recorded introductory video (to be watched within the week prior to the workshop), role play video with ratings completed on the day, and a further live section.
Tuesday 5th November 2024 (online)
9.30am – 12.30pm
Host: UCL – Tel: 020 7679 1897 | Email:
Systemically Informed Supervision Workshop (online)
This workshop is for psychologists and systemic psychotherapists who wish to develop the systemic offer in their placements or supervision. If you use systemic theory in your clinical practice or would like to develop your skills in supervising DClinPsy trainees in systemic practice, this workshop is for you.
Workshop Content:
- Drawing on systemic ideas to inform your supervision practice
- Supporting trainees to apply systemic theory to practice
- Evaluating and feeding back on systemic competencies
- Information about the foundation and intermediate systemic pathways at RHUL, UCL and UEL – Systemic teaching and assessments on the North Thames DClinPsy programmes.
Date TBC – May 2025 (online)
10.00am – 4.30 pm
Host: UCL – Tel: 020 7679 1897 | Email:
Supervisor discussion space (online)
This is a discussion and reflective space. It offers an opportunity to follow-up on some of the topics from the larger supervisor workshops. It involves reading or other resources that attendees review ahead of the workshop, followed by a discussion space and reflections made together. The space is ideal for people who have been supervising for some time and would like to be up to date with recent developments in supervisory practice, as well as having some opportunity to reflect.
It is also an opportunity for the courses to share any updates and for supervisors to ask any questions about the courses or training, and to maintain accreditation to be able to supervise trainee clinical psychologists.
Topic: Trainee wellbeing and reasonable adjustments during training
Thursday 23rd January 2025 (online) (maximum attendees 30)
12.00 – 1.30pm
Host: UCL – Tel: 020 7679 1897 | Email:
Topic: Considering diversity in supervision and training
Wednesday 5th March 2025 (online) (maximum attendees 30)
12.00 – 1.30pm
Host: UEL – Tel: 020 8223 4174 | E-mail:
Topic: Troubleshooting placement set up and supervision
Thursday 3rd April 2025 (online) (maximum attendees 30)
12.00 – 1.30pm
Host: RHUL – Tel: 01784 414388 | E-mail:
These are pre-recorded workshops available for supervisors to access as below:
Recording: Developing a Service-related project (SRP)
Online (approx. 1.5 hours)
This workshop is for psychologists and therapists who supervise clinical psychology trainees undertaking small-scale service-related projects (SRPs).
Workshop Content
This workshop is designed to assist regional supervisors to develop or consolidate their skills in supervising Service Related Projects (SRPs). The workshop will cover:
- A definition of a Service Related Project and audit
- The scope and time frame of an SRP
- How to develop ideas for an SRP
- Expectations for the supervisor and trainee
- Basic design, methodology, and analysis for SRPs
- How to assist with writing up (including possible publication)
This is a pre-recorded workshop that was facilitated by Dr Janet Feigenbaum from UCL in June 2022.
Access via link: :
Recording: Boosting CBT skills using therapy recordings: the CTS-R and UCL CBT Scale as tools for therapist development
Online (approx. 3 hours)
Workshop Content
This programme is designed to give you the tools you need to rate your own and your supervisees’ therapy recordings confidently and use these ratings to create plans that help with further skill development. The course is delivered through a mixture of audio, video and written materials. It will take you approximately 3 hours to complete. You can work at your own pace, and we have included approximate timings in each section. By the time you finish it you will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of two commonly used tools used to rate recordings of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy session (the UCL scale and the CTS-R)
- Analyse the content of a therapy recording using one of the scales
- Reflect upon the strengths and weaknesses of a session and devise an action plan to move yourself or your supervisee forward
- Understand the principles for judging a tape summatively (if you are required to make a formal pass/fail judgement for university purposes).
Please contact the UCL host who will provide you with access to this online course.
Upon access being granted (we send a list of those signed-up to our colleagues to grant access once a month), you will have access to this resource for 1 month.
Host: UCL – Tel: 020 7679 1897 | Email:
Working with Difference within the Supervisory Relationship
Online Webinar (1.5 hours; Hosted by ACP-UK)
This is an EDI-focused webinar on the topic of working with difference within the supervisory relationship, with focus on race. Themes covered include: conceptual models utilised in the field that help understand difference, racial dynamics within supervision, impact of racial trauma within supervision, and how related difficulties can be prevented in the supervisory relationship.
It was presented by Dr. Alex Pieterse. Dr. Pieterse an Associate Professor and Training Director of the Counselling Psychology Ph.D. program at the University at Albany – SUNY. He received his Ph.D. in Counselling Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University, his Master of Arts in Counselling from New York University, and holds a Bachelor of Health Science in Nursing, received from the Australian Catholic University. Dr. Pieterse’s scholarship focuses on psychosocial aspects of race and racism, racial trauma, and anti-racism training and advocacy. He is currently an Associate Editor for The Counselling Psychologist.
The webinar is available to all supervisors supervising trainee Clinical Psychologists in the North Thames region.
If you are an existing supervisor within the North Thames region and you would like to view this webinar recording, please email for further details.
Digital Mental Health workshops
Updated 05.10.23
The Division of Clinical Psychology’s Digital Healthcare Committee has co-produced a series of four digital mental health e-learning modules to be freely available to psychological practitioners.
Access via: